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Hollenberg Pony Express Station: Kansas

The Hollenberg Pony Express Station in Hanover, Kansas, was built way back in the 1850's as a stop on the way out west. Being a rider/carrier for the Pony Express was not for the faint of heart because the position required a very particular person to do the job. In job wanted ads posted in the mid 1800's, it was specified that the carrier be young, skinny and not afraid to die. That last stipulation making it not exactly an ideal career choice.

The Pony Express was successful but with the expansion of railroads and telegraphs, it was no longer needed, and soon began to fade away into the history books. Though the Pony Express ended, Hollenberg Station still remained. To this day, it still stands and is in quite good shape considering its age and Kansas weather.

The ghostly activity at Hollenberg Station is fairly well known. Reports of apparitions in and around the station have been seen for well over a hundred years now. The sound of thundering phantom horse hooves have been heard approaching the station by many visitors to the site. Disembodied voices have been heard as well as the feelings of cold spots and ghostly touches. Paranormal investigators who have visited Hollenberg Station have had many positive EVP sessions with the resident spirits.

This is a spot I desperately want to check out for myself. If you've ever been, I'd love to hear about your experience!

Photo credit: Joseph Sohm


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